“What is it you do, exactly?”
This is the number one question people ask us: “What is it you do at Pink Fluffy Unicorns?”
Well. Try. To. Explain. That.

Discover the secret world of Pink Fluffy Unicorns
We all have our secrets, and our website is no exception.
We have enjoyed it for ages (and we still do), but NOW it’s time to share it with the people I like best.

Proof of concept… What exactly is this?
Okay, so imagine this: you have an incredible idea. Really, a life-changing one!
You investigate and discover that there really is no one who came up with this idea before you. There are no similar products or patents.
Wow! You let this sink in. Now what?
The first step is to develop a Proof of Concept. We are happy to explain what that is and what you can expect from us.

Pink Fluffy Unicorns and the Scotch tape adventure
‘Hi, this is Casper.’
‘Yes, hello. Can you help me?’
The man at the other end of the line sounded a bit scared.
‘We haven’t passed the EDS test.’
Casper knew right away what this was about and was alert at once.

Why our customers are still in production
These are special times in the electronics world, that much is clear.
The delivery times of components are still increasing: sometimes you even have to wait until March 2023 (!) to be able to continue producing. We cannot explain exactly how it happened and why it is the way it is. We can say that the majority of our customers can still produce. Now and next year.
Unicorn Magic? Yes of course!

About Eggs and Electronics Development
There is an awkward silence in the conference room. My client looks at me with eyes as large as saucers. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again. He is stunned, I see his inability to respond adequately to the question I just asked him. So I ask if anyone else might know how long it takes a hen to hatch an egg.

SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) – Part 4
The PCB layout is the key to a good SMPS design. It determines the accuracy, stability and EMC performance of the SMPS. The biggest challenge is to run the fastest changing flows in such a way that there are minimal loops, resulting in minimal emissions. But where do these currents flow?

When fun and success work together
At Pink Fluffy Unicorns, we absolutely love electronics development. It’s in our blood. We think about it when we take a shower, or when we go for a walk. And yet electronics are not central to what we make or what we are passionate about. Electronics should mean something, but not an end in itself or an “oh yes, that should also be in there” thing.

SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) – Part 3
Example SMPS Schematic

SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) – Part 2
Dimension the main components.